Youth Inputs on the Draft National Environmental Policy II

16th Sep. 2021 | 05.30 pm - 08.00 pm (IST)

Virtual Event



The health of the environment is connected to the well-being of humans and animals. Humans depend on the rich biodiversity and ecosystem services offered by the environment, relying on the environment for their livelihoods and existence. However, over the years, unsustainable development activities and livelihood practices have destroyed the environment and contributed to climate change. The climate crisis has created a need to conserve and manage the environment while development takes place in a sustainable manner. ‍ With new challenges and impacts on the environment, it is vital that policies and laws concerning the environment change with time. Having recognised the need to update the National Environment Policy, the Ministry of Environment is in the process of drafting a new Environment Policy for Sri Lanka. Under this process, the Ministry has called for public comments on the draft National Environment Policy 2021. As part of the public comments submission process, SLYCAN Trust aims to make a submission that will consist of youth inputs for the draft policy which will contribute to enhancing the youth engagement in environment-related processes, as well as decision-making processes. ‍ In view of this objective, the youth consultations will consist of 2 sessions on 14th and 16th September 2021, which will lead to engaging youth across Sri Lanka to be part of a discussion on the draft National Environment Policy, with the aim of identifying youth’s role in activities related to the environment, as well as to provide inputs on the existing content of the draft National Environment Policy. The information gathered through these two sessions will be submitted to the Ministry of Environment in synthesised format acknowledging those who have contributed to providing inputs, as youth comments on the draft National Environment Policy.


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