SLYCAN Trust Youth Orientation Workshop

11th February, 2023 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 pm

Colombo, Sri Lanka



Youth are a key stakeholder group for addressing the impacts of climate change and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the role and contribution of youth for addressing climate change is recognized and addressed through Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) and other work under article 6 of the UNFCCC and article 12 of the Paris Agreement. At the national level, countries have the opportunity to integrate ACE into climate-related processes, including the engagement of youth in awareness creation and education, decision-making processes, and other aspects related to national and local climate action. The aim of this orientation and capacity-building workshop is to empower Sri Lankan youth to better contribute to climate action and policy. Activities during the event will focus on identifying the role of youth in formulating and implementing climate action, building youth capacities, and facilitating collective youth-led efforts and projects related to climate change in Sri Lanka. The workshop will explore how youth can engage effectively and enhance their technical capacities for the development and implementation of activities. In addition, the event will contribute to building the group that is engaging in the Global Youth Forum on Climate Change 2022/2023 and other initiatives of SLYCAN Trust Youth, mapping key actions to be taken in partnership with collaborators and volunteers across the world. ‍ The Global Youth Forum on Climate Change (GYFCC) is an initiative of SLYCAN Trust to build the capacities of youth, share experiences, and identify opportunities for meaningful engagement of youth at national and international level to enhance climate action. It focuses on ensuring youth participation and contribution at all levels to facilitate inclusive and participatory climate policy and action where youth play an active role.


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