Provincial Dialogue on Youth Engagement for Climate Action and Resilient Food Systems in Sri Lanka: North Central Province

25th Aug. 2021 | 10.00 am - 12.00 pm (IST)



People all across the globe perceive food systems as an integral part of human life for nutrition, food security, and livelihoods. The livelihoods of those dependent on food systems are at stake with climate change impacting crops, livestock, fisheries, and aquaculture, and current food systems contributing to climate change at the same time. Against this background, there is a clear need to transform food systems and make them more resilient, sustainable, and climate-friendly. Resilient food systems will ensure human well-being and health, help people adapt to climate change impacts, and secure their livelihoods, thereby reducing poverty. The role of youth in the transformation of food systems is crucial. The health, stability, and sustainability of food systems connects directly to the health, well-being, food security, nutrition, development, and financial stability of youth, with sustainable consumption and production as a prerequisite for a healthy and conducive environment for the young generation. It is vital that youth are a part of transforming food systems as they can contribute to the progress of the five action tracks and climate adaptation action. SLYCAN Trust is conducting a provincial dialogue in North Central Province that will take place as part of the activities under the Global Youth Forum on Climate Change and as dialogues under the UN Food Systems Summit. Furthermore, a countrywide online survey will be conducted to collect data pertinent to each of the nine provinces. The information gathered through this series would be shared with the focal point for the Member State Summit Dialogue for Sri Lanka with the aim for these inputs to be included in the consultative process for developing the official country report.


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