Independent Dialogue: Just Transition in Livelihoods for Resilient Food Systems

June 17th 2021 | 03:30 - 05:30 pm IST

Virtual Event



Food systems around the globe are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which are set to become more frequent and intense over the coming decades. Crop cultivation, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, as well as related sectors such as forestry are heavily affected by changes in weather patterns, extreme weather events, and slow-onset processes such as sea level rise, soil degradation, and loss of ecosystem services. ‍ Climate change exacerbates existing social and economic vulnerabilities in food producers, communities, and supply and value chains. A just transition will be vital to enable more resilient development and help protect lives, livelihoods, businesses, public finances, and infrastructure. Just transition should be embedded into national and global policy frameworks related to climate change and sustainable development, including the Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement, National Adaptation Plans, and the Sustainable Development Goals.


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