Enhancing entrepreneurship and innovation for plant-based and climate-resilient food systems

10th November, 2022 | 1.00 p.m. – 2.15 p.m. EEST

Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt



In the context of climate change, there is an urgent need to transition towards more resilient, climate-friendly, sustainable, and ethical food systems which are built on principles of inclusion and participation. Entrepreneurship and innovation can contribute to economic empowerment, support vulnerable groups and communities, and build long-term resilience at the local, national, and global level. In particular, women, youth, and vulnerable rural communities often lack access to the skills, resources, and knowledge to effectively engage in entrepreneurship that could diversify their livelihoods and empower them to strengthen local economies. This session aims to identify needs and opportunities for scaling up innovation and entrepreneurship support for plant-based food systems, including through capacity-building, skill development, finance, research and development, technical support, incubators, accelerators, an enabling policy and regulatory environment, and multi-actor partnerships.


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